
May 22, 2011

  1. What are the hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary?
  2. Decrease in Growth hormone(GH) during childhood will cause???
  3. Give 3 manifestations of deficiency in growth hormone during childhood.
  4. The decrease in GH and other anterior pituitary hormones during childhood will cause??? & mention the manifestations.
    • answer: pituitary infantilism.
    • All manifestations of dwarfism will be present but the child will not sexually mature due to the def of GnTH 
  5. The decrease in GH and other anterior pituitary hormones during adulthood will cause??? & mention the manifestations. Answer: PArtial insuffiiciency of pituitary hormones.
  6. What is meant by panhypopituitarism? Mention its manifestations.
  7. What is the condition when there is excess GH before adolescence? Mention its manifestations.
  8. What is the condition when there is excess GH after adolescence? Mention its manifestations.
  9. What is hyperprolactinemia and mention its manifestations.
  10. What is a possible for hyperprolactinemia?
  11. What are the hormones secreted by posterior pituitary?
  12. Deficiency in ADH will cause what disease? and mention its manifestations. Answer: Daibetes Insipidus
  13. Look at the pictures below and mention the disease presented by the picture:

 Ignore all other pictures, just look at the man sitting on the chair.


ANSWERS for the pictures are white in color...so, press ctrl+A to see the answer.