Regarding our practical exam for physiology, it will be conducted just like the last semester.
They will use the powerpoint slide show and we will answer the questions in it.
there will be pictures of tests for cranial nerve examinations like the knee jerk test, romberg's test and so on.
All we need to do is to identify what is the name for the test shown, and answer the questions like: the test is use for what, the positive/negative results signify what~ etc~
and the 2nd part of the exam is, we might be asked to conduct one of the cranial examination test.
lastly, Dr. Amal told us to focus more on the functions and lesions for each cranial nerve.
That's all regarding the practical exam for physiology.
I apologize for posting this information late. =(
All the best for everyone.
Bittaufiq wan najah.
Good Luck!
*Human Gains Nothing Without Sacrifices*
-kredit to afiq faiz-
review anat for sem 5..
13 years ago