Pract biochem DIscussion

May 13, 2010

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I found this piece of paper in my biochemistry book that has a list of questions and answers about carbohydrate metabolism and it took me quite some time to remember why and when did I jot them down. It was during our practical class with Dr Hanan and the other Doctor, I don't remember his name, sorry. Ok, just thought I'd share 'em with my sectionmates. Hope that they would be beneficial. And urm, if you don't understand, why is the answer is the answer for the question, don't ask me please. I just jot them down. That doesn't mean I fully understand 'em. But you can ask our other friends like Ain, Kakjah, Atikah for the girls and for the boys...I dunno, you guys just ask your friends who are pros in bichemistry which I don't know who.


1. Why is HMP is very active in adrenal cortex?
-->bcoz HMP provides ribose-5-P and NADPH+H which is needed for the synthesis of steroid hormones by the adrenal cortex.
(refer back on the functions or importance of HMP)

2. What are the different roles of Vit B in HMP?
-->as a co-enzyme, e.g: TPP in Trasnketolase enzyme.
(Please know the other terms for vit B, e.g: pyridoxine stands for Vit B6)

3. What are the importance of glycolysis in RBCs?
-->Energy production
-->reduction of met Hb by NADH
-->2,3 BPG helps unloading of oxygen from Hb.

4. Know the key enzymeS and the rate limiting enzyme for every metabolism we have learned:
-->glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, CAC, HMP, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, (buka buku tgk sndri!)

5. Carbon dioxide fixation reaction(carboxylation process/incorporation of carbon dioxide into the substrate)
--pyruvate-->OXALOACETATE, by pyruvate carboxylase+biotin
--propionyl CoA-->D-Methyl malonyl CoA by propionyl CoA carboxylase+biotin
--Acetyl CoA-->Malonyl CoA by carboxylase

6. Source of Carbon dioxide for carbon dioxide fixation reaction?

7. Which reaction from CAC produces Carbon dioxide?
-->isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction(oxidative DECARBOXYLATION reaction)
-->alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reaction

8. WhAt can inhibit CAC?
--Arsenite or mercury -->bind with -SH group of lipoic acid
--malonic acid-->inhibit succinic acid dehydrogenase by competitive inhibition
--fluoroacetyl coA-->COMBINES WITH OAA giving fluorocitrate-->inhibit aconitase enzyme

9. At which site/enzyme, CAC can be inhibited?( tgk buku sendiri)

10. At which site from glycolysis is ATP produced at substrate level?
-->phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase

11. At which site from CAC is ATP produced at substrate level?
-->Succinate thiokinase

12. Importance of HMP in RBC?
--> Provides NADPH for the removal of hydrogen peroxide which will attack the cell membrane and causes hemolytic anemia if not removed.

13. Importance of uronic acid pathway.(it has its importaNce but it never produces ATP!)

14. iMPORTANCE of glycogenolysis in liver?
--> to maintain blood glucose level

15. iMPORTANCE of glycogenolysis in muscle?
--> produce energy

Ok, that's all.


Dialu-alukan kalau nak sebarkan soklan & jawapan ni kpd semua rakan2 kita yg lain.
I just thought that if the professors discussed all these questions with us in the section, they must be very important clinically, a must know facts, or they are famous in the exams. So, all the best and let's give our very best, your utmost best in the midterms. Toodles and wassalam~